Daniel Parker
He began working as a production runner on films such as Raiders of the Lost Ark and after a chance job offer to work for Stuart Freebourne the production office disappeared to be replaced by barbers chairs, mirrors and lights. Having had no formal training Daniel had to pick up the art as quickly as possible in order to survive, which consisted of being largely self taught and learning from the older makeup artists around him. He soon went on to work on an incredible log book of films such as Indiana Jones and the temple of Doom, A Passage to India, he received in first Emmy nomination in 1990 for designing the makeup for treasure Island starring Charlton Heston. Daniel also set up the special Effects company Animated Extras with Animatronic Designer Nik Williams which went from strength to strength and today is still known to produce some of the finest work in the world. In 1992 under the banner of Daniel Parker and Animated extras he went on to co-design Mary Shellyメs Frankenstein with a long-term friend and colleague Paul Engelen and this led to both an Oscar and Bafta nomination. Since then Daniel has gone on to be nominated for another Emmy for his work on Band of Brothers. He won a Bafta in 2003 for his incredible work on The Gathering Storm. He also has credits on films such as Apocalypto, Troy, The Raven, Cloud Atlas, Zero Dark 30, The November Man, Everly, The Coup, A Hologram for the King to name just a few.